About us
Republican Vilnius psychiatric hospital is a modern specialized mental health care facility, delivering full value psychiatric aid services: diagnostics and treatment of mental disorders, preventive measures to avoid relapses, comprehensive help to patient‘s adaptation in society, psychotherapeutic, psychological, and social aid.
The hospital delivers services of secondary and tertiary level to the inhabitants of the whole country. It is one of the largest and most modern mental health care institutions in Lithuania. Besides serving patients the hospital performs scientific research and training of doctors and nurses, supervises mental health care and introduction of up-to date diagnostics and treatments and advances in psychiatry.
There are 14 departments in the hospital for various mental disorders, with 542 beds in total.
Eight departments are specialized:
Admittance and diagnostics,
Alzheimer disease and somatopsychiatry,
Acute alcoholic psychoses,
Acute mental states,
Resuscitation and intensive care unit
two Vilnius University Psychiatric clinics (VU Adults, VU Children and adolescents).
The hospital also has Day stay unit.